Terms and Conditions


To ensure a comprehensive understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, the following terms, in both singular and plural forms, shall have the meanings indicated below:

Detailed Information on the Application’s Offer

The Application provides Users the ability to place a pre-order for the Argo domestic robot at a cost of $10. This pre-order is part of a campaign to assess interest in the product. The Owner reserves the right to decide whether to proceed with the production of Argo based on the number of pre-orders received.

Scope of the Conditions

By using the Application, the User fully accepts the Conditions. Should the User not accept the Conditions and any other legal notice or information published or referred to therein, the User shall not use the Application.

The Owner may amend the Conditions at any time. The applicable Conditions are those in force on the date the pre-order is placed. Users are advised to read the Conditions carefully before using the Application and to save or print them for future reference.

Pre-Order Process and Payment

The Argo pre-order is offered at a price of $10. This amount is a non-refundable fee that secures a place in the pre-order campaign. The pre-order does not constitute a purchase of the final product but is an expression of interest in the Argo domestic robot.

The pre-order fee will only be deducted from the final price of Argo if the product proceeds to production. The Owner reserves the right to determine whether the production threshold has been met based on the number of pre-orders, and at their sole discretion.

If Argo proceeds to production, Users who pre-ordered will be contacted via email with further instructions. At that time, if the User remains interested in purchasing Argo, the $10 pre-order fee will be deducted from the final purchase price. If the User no longer wishes to purchase Argo, the pre-order fee will not be refunded.


To place a pre-order, the User must register and provide accurate and complete information in the registration form. The User is responsible for keeping their login credentials secure and confidential.

Account Cancellation and Closure

The registered User can cancel their account at any time by contacting the Owner. In the event of account cancellation, the pre-order fee remains non-refundable.

Prices and Payments

The price for the Argo pre-order is $10. This fee is non-refundable and is processed through third-party payment tools. The Application does not directly handle payment information. If payment is denied, the pre-order will not be processed, and the User will not be charged.

Exclusion of Right to Withdrawal

The $10 pre-order fee is non-refundable. Users cannot withdraw from the pre-order or request a refund, regardless of whether the product enters production.

Material Products’ Guarantee

No guarantee applies to the pre-order as it is not a purchase of a tangible product but rather an expression of interest. If Argo proceeds to production and the User purchases the product, the applicable guarantees will be provided at that time.


The protection and processing of personal data will be in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which can be consulted on the Application.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Conditions are governed by Italian law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or application of these Conditions shall be referred to the courts where the Owner is based unless the User is a Consumer User residing within the European Union, in which case they may bring a dispute to the courts of their place of residence.

Final Provisions

The Owner reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the pre-order campaign at any time without notice. Any modifications will be communicated through the Application.