“How can be possible in 2022 we still do not have a personal robot in our homes?”

This is the question which made us start thinking about Argo!

...and who better than 3 guys who built driverless cars, drones, rockets and Mars Rovers to build the future smart robot assistant for your home?

Robotics Engineer

During University he has joined Dynamis PRC and Skyward. The former designs and builds autonomous driving racing cars, the latter builds and launches rockets. He has 2 years experience in the field of space robotics where he contributed to the NASA Mars Sample Return Campain.

Control Engineer

In his spare time, he has designed and built the control for an inverted pendulum and the flight code for a drone. He has 2 years experience in the automotive field, where he developed control algorithms for cutting edge brakes systems.

Computer Science Engineer

He has spent 4 years designing and building autonomous driving race cars in Dynamis PRC. He leads the Driverless Team, where he develops computer vision and deep learning algorithms to push the car as fast as possible.